Tenets of Isotheism

The Tenets of Isotheism
I. The Energy. The Energy is the unifying energy source present in all things. The stars and sky, the wind and sea, love, hate, generosity, greed, anger, joy, friend, foe. The Energy is omnipresent—it is everywhere at all times. Every moment, thought, and atom are in harmony with the Energy.
II. Humankind and God are Equal. God is not master to the human race. The mythologies which have ruled humankind for the vast majority of our story have falsely assumed that humankind is servant to god. Various forms of worship have been utilized to demonstrate allegiance to the gods: weekly congregations, annual pilgrimages, infatuation with sacrificial imagery and relics. These false acts of self-subordination to an assumed divine power have been inherited from our ancestors and must be brought to an end. Humankind and God are of the same Energy, evolved from the same specs of cosmic dust. God is a universal concept, a force which science cannot explain, observed across all forms of faith and spirituality throughout history.
III. The Unlife. Life is one step on an endless ladder. The processes historically referred to as birth and death are merely the transformation of energy from one form into another. From one form of energy, life, we graduate to the next form of energy, the unlife. Our souls are of The Energy, the Energy is eternal, and thus—We NeverDie.
IV. Embrace the Unknown. The conquest of knowledge is infinite. For every question answered, two more are asked. While the pursuit of the sciences are crucial to the development of our species, we must acknowledge that once thought truths are constantly disproven. Theoretical foundations crumble often. The process of hypothesis, prove, and disprove will repeat indefinitely throughout human existence. There will always be another level to peel away, a new detail to unravel, or an unborn genius to topple the existing thought paradigm. Truth is transitory. Thus, absolutes must be understood as a theoretical construct. Nothing can be exhaustively explained, and thus we must accept and embrace ambiguity, cherish the gray. The process of our minds seeking absolute answers in order to establish mental security must be cast down by each and every one of us.
V. Fight extremism. Whether it be a spiritual, political, intellectual, or any other viewpoint, extremist thought-strains are dangerous to humanity. We must battle against blind ideologies, as debate is a necessary and desirable occurrence. The universe is gray, stray away from the poles.
VI. The purpose of life is energy transfer. All individuals and systems have a function. The sun is to burn, the winter is to freeze, the worker is to produce, the thinker is to contemplate, the parent is to nurture. This can also be conceived as energy transfer, defined as work in thermodynamics. The movement of energy from one place to another is at the core of everything in the universe. We must seek out our function and fulfill our role in the giant mechanism of existence.
VII. Progress of Humankind. Our mandate must be that every generation of humankind is better off than the previous generation. Contributions to the species are a natural part of our progress and each human should strive to give back to its predecessors.
VIII. Selflessness. We are greater than the self. We must think of ourselves in the mind state of “we” and not “I”. We are all expressions of the same energy.