Who Is Kontrau Mesio?

For much of human history, the collective belief of humankind was that gods commanded the universe. Sun deities, animal worship, and various other pagan belief systems sprouted from the imaginations of the ancient mind to rationalize the universe. The mysteries of birth and death, storm and sun, fire and flood, could not be explained with ancient science. For every unknown question, an act of the gods was the reply. Hoping to influence the outcome of these mysteries, ancient tribes began to worship and pay tribute to their gods. Thus, the rule of religion ascended, master to humankind.

Polytheism, the belief in many gods, began to fall out of trend as civilizations grew larger. The fierce rulers of these complex empire-cities observed the power-harnessing attributes of idol worship to strengthen their command. The ancient multi-god myths of yesteryear were soon forgotten, and a world dominated by monotheistic thought ruled humanity for two thousand years. That was until he came.

It was The Great Human Liberator, Kontrau Mesio, who challenged the previously assumed truths that god and his chosen idols were masters of the human race. Mesio let it be known that humankind had falsely installed itself as servant to god, and that our fear and awe of nature was incorrectly managed via worship. He opened the door to the belief that god and humankind are of the same cosmic dust.

Perhaps most simply summed up by the words of Kontrau Mesio himself:

God and Man are equal.
